
27 November – 23 December 2021

The Commercial, Sydney, Australia


Notes on works in the exhibition, by Rob Smith

Exhibition text, ‘A Window is a verb’ by Tom Melick; exh. text, Set, Ditch Projects, Springfield, Oregon (US); republished for Out of Place, curated by Oscar Carpezio, Drill Hall Gallery, Australian National University, Canberra, 2021; and Sets, The Commercial, Sydney, 2021

Booklet: “A Window is a Verb.” Text by Tom Melick. Designed by Nicholas Weltyk. Published by Anna Kristensen and Cooperative Editions. 12 pages 4-color digital print, 8.5 × 11 inches. First edition, 2020: 150 copies.

  • Bodega, 2021, oil and acrylic on linen, 24 x 33", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Badlands, 2021, oil and acrylic on linen, 43 1/2 x 66", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Yurt, 2020, oil and acrylic on linen, 23 x 34.5", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Yurt (Shift), 2020, oil and acrylic on linen, 27.5 x 40.5", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • AnnaKristensen Set 2021

    Set, 2020, oil and acrylic on linen, 48 x 60", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Lattice, 2020, oil and acrylic on linen, 38 x 27", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Slip, 2020, borosilicate glass, 8.5 x 8.5 x10.5", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Bodega, 2021, oil and acrylic on linen, 24 x 33", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • AnnaKristensen_Badlands_Sets_2021_TheCommercial

    Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • AnnaKristensen_Sets_2021_TheCommerical

    Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Set, 2020, oil and acrylic on linen, 48 x 60", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Lattice, 2020, oil and acrylic on linen, 38 x 27", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Installation view, Sets, 2021, The Commercial, Sydney (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Slip, 2020, borosilicate glass, 8.5 x 8.5 x10.5", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Slip, 2020, borosilicate glass, 8.5 x 8.5 x10.5", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Felicity Jenkins)

  • Scrollwork, 2021, borosilicate glass and oak, 281.5 x 24 x 8", (photograph: Yanni Kronenberg)